AIAQ still pursues its mission by defending our field of practice and by organizing professionnal activities and training sessions.
AIAQ in collaboration with IRDA organize on November 19 an event on management and transformation of agri-food and agricultural residues for different markets (energy, fertilization, animal feed, etc.). Eleven conferences will be held at the Complexe scientifique in Quebec City. You can visit AIAQ website for more details and to register.
AIAQ in collaboration with MAPAQ also organize a 3-day training session on water management in agricultural lands (mainly drainage). An on-field visit is scheduled to be part of the course. A pre-registration period is open to help AIAQ to plan the event based on the number of interested engineers. You can follow this link to have more details.
The MDDELCC gives information about the Guide de soutien aux entreprises agricoles pour l’application du Règlement sur la déclaration des prélèvements d’eau on October 29 at 10:00 a.m. You can read the document at the following link: You can contact Marc-Olivier Bédard (418 521-3885 ext. 7067) to obtain more details.
An erratum has been produced by AIAQ and CRAAQ for the Guide d’entreposage des fumiers (3rd edition). You can visit the CRAAQ website for more information.
AIAQ finally wants to acknowledge the awards earned by some of its members during the AGM of the CSBE: Yves Choinière, Sébastien Fournel, Gabriel Collin, Hubert Soucy, Alain Niyibizi and ULtrac team.